November is the month when we traditionally pray for those who have gone before us 'marked with the sign of faith.' At our Sung Mass on the First Friday of November (6th November 7:30pm) we will have an opportunity to do just that. The choir will be singing Faure's Requiem.
Many of you will be familiar with some of the music of this Mass if you listen to Classic FM. But the Mass is not something that we listen to or watch as if we were mere spectators. The Mass is what we fully and actively participate in.
I realise that the Latin Mass may not be everyone's cup of tea. Some will object to it saying they so do understand the latin. We do not have to understand everything that is said or sung at Mass in order to pray. Some of the times I have felt closest to God in pray have been when attending Mass on holiday in a country where I did not speak the the language.
We can use the music to help raise our minds and hearts to God as we remember our loved ones who have died.
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