Wednesday, 15 July 2009


I realise that it has been sometime since I updated the blog. Since I took over the pastoral care of St Joseph's Parish things have got kinda busy...

Here is a brief summary of events over the last few weeks.

On sunday 14th June we celebrated the First Holy Communion Mass for the children in the St Joseph area of our parish. The church was full to overflowing not only with the children but also their parents, relations and friends. Here I would like to record my thanks to the staff of our school who have worked so hard throughout the year to prepare our children for their special day. I felt so guilty stepping in at the last minute just to celebrate the Mass and appear on the photos when all the hard work had been done.
On Tuesday 23rd June I celebrated Mass in French at Holy Cross College. It was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate Mass for the first time in the College. My thanks go to Mr Daveth Frost, the Principal for his kind invitation and all his efforts in preparing texts for the Mass.
On Sunday 28th June (Solemnity of Ss Peter and Paul transferred) we celebrated First Holy Communion for the children of the St Marie area of our parish. Again the church was full to capacity with the children, their families and friends. My thanks go once again to all who helped make it a joyful celebration.
On Sunday 5th July the children from St Marie's who made their First Holy Communion the previous week were presented with their certificates for Confirmation and First Holy Commuion. After the Mass the children went into the parish centre for a party. All the children had a very enjoyable time.
As we come to the end of the academic year Masses for the school leavers were celebrated on Wednesday 8th July for St Joseph's and 13th July for St. Marie's. We wish all our year six children every blessing for the future.

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