Saturday 8 May 2010


The Bishop's of England and Wales have asked us to keep the Fridays of May as days of penance and reparation for the sins of child abuse. Here at St Marie's Masses of Reparation will be offered on those Fridays together with special prayers for those whohave been victims of abuse and all who are guity of such awful crimes against children.
You may like to use the following prayer on Fridays in May. It comes from the Archdiocese of Westmnister.

Almighty Father
Your Son Jesus Christ
rebuked the disciples when they kept the children from him,
healed the boy possessed of the unclean Spirit
and raised Jairus’ daughter from the dead.
In the Temple children hailed him as the Son of David,
and it is to such as these, that your Kingdom belongs.
As we dedicate ourselves to the care and well being
of the young and vulnerable,
we beg you to grant to your
bishops, priests, deacons, and all the lay faithful,
the grace of welcoming the young as you welcomed them
and of affording them the protection and care
which their rights and dignity demand.
May our sorrow and our tears,
our sincere effort to redress past wrongs,
and our firm purpose of amendment
bear an abundant harvest of grace;
that in our homes, parishes, schools and communities,
our young people may flourish,
realise their potential,
and name you as Father in the midst of the Church.
This we ask through your Son Jesus Christ
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
One God, for ever and ever.


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