Wednesday 22 August 2012


 Following Mass (and Lunch) those who wished were led on a walking tour of Lourdes by three seasoned Lourdes pilgrims: Canon Tony McBride, Father Paul Daly and Father Francis Wadsworth.

The first port of call was the Parish Church, dedicated to the Sacred Heart.  This is the church that now houses the font in which Bernadette was baptised.  Outside the church is a statue ot Fr. Peyremale the PP of Lourdes at the time oif the Apparitions.

From the Parish Church we made our way to the Cachot.  At the time of Bernadette it was used at the local prison.  It was from here that Bernadette made here way to the grotto of Massabielle to collect firewood and whatever else she could find to help the family when she received the first apparition of 'the Beautiful Lady.'

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