Monday, 14 September 2009


This homily was delivered 'viva voce' so the notes here may not fully reflect what was said.

In to-day's Gospel we are confronted by a direct question from Our Lord 'Who do you say that I am? The disciples who were asked this question tried to pass the buck. Some say you're John the Baptist. Some say your Elijah. To make it a bit more local and topical we could say 'Them at St Marie's say your one of the prophets. Them for St Joseph's say your John the Baptist.

Our Lord doesn't allow them to get away that easily. Like a teacher trying to gain the attention of an unruly student, we can almost see him clicking his finger and pointing ''BUT YOU...Who do YOU say that I am. And that same question is directed at us - not as a parish, not as a deanery or diocese but as individuals. And we must respond in some way. As a meditation sometime you might want to put your own name befor that question of Our Lord: Francis, Peter, Mary, Helen who do you say that I am?
And our respnses will vary depending who were are, where we are and who we are with. Its eay for us to hunt in a pack and answer with Peter 'You are the Christ when we are gathered here all nicely and cosy in church at Mass. Our response might not be so forth coming when we are asked that same question in the works canteen, the staff room or the school play ground. How do we repsond at work when someone challeges our faith? Do you deny the Lord by keeping quiet for an easy life or do we speak out and risk ridicule? How do we respond when people make fun of us at school when we say we go to church? Who do you say that I am? For who we believe or say Jesus is will have or should have an impact or on how we behave and how we live our lives.
Who do you say that I am? No one said the living of the Christian life would be easier. No one said that witnessing to Christ and his teachings was going to be a bed of roses. And thank God they didn't because they would be wrong.
The following of the Lord brings us many, many joys but there are sorrows too. You don't need me to tell you that. Our Saviour tells us quite plainly in to-day's Gospel that following Him will mean renunciation and carrying a cross. Let us pray for the graces t obe able to take up our cross each day and follow Him.
Who do you say that I am? The disciples gave their answer. What will yours be?

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