After celebrating Mass at the Conference (see previous post) I went to my room to say my office and prepare for dinner. Best bib and tucker for a formal dinner or in my case cassock, fascia and ferriaolo.
After dinner we retired to our rooms. The following morning I was able to partake of a lovely breakfast over looking Lake Windermere. I'm not sure if Eggs Benedict was put on the menu specially for the Catholic Principals Conference but it was certainly most welcome!!!
After saying my goodbyes I returned to the parish - refreshed and ready to begin another day in the service of the Lord and His people.
Once again my thanks to Mr David Frost, Principal of our own Holy Cross College for his kind invitation.
Hello, Fr.
At the risk of sounding dumb, I understand what a cassock is, but what are "fascia and ferrialo"?
Google" and Wikepedia provide meanings of fascia in both "anatomical" and "architectural" sense and I could not find anything about Ferrialo?
Your kind assistance in this quest is appreciated.
I'm sorry for the dealy in responding to your question to dueto technical difficulties i have not been abel to go on line.
A fascia is the band that goes around a cleric's waist and has two pieces of material that hand on the left hand side usually edged with tassles.
The colour of the band denotes the rank of the wearer: balxk for priests, purple for Monsignori and Bishops, Red for Cardinals.
I ferriolo is basically evening dress for clergy - the equivalent of ''black tie'' for the laity. Again the colour denotes the rank of the wearer.
Hope this answers your questions
God bless
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