Wednesday 19 January 2011


First of all may I thank all those who have generously donated towards the cost of the new crib figures at St Marie's. 

In the photo that accompanies this post you can see the new figures of St Joseph and Our Lady.  The figure of the Christ Child is also new and is the one that we will use from the Epiphany till the Presentation of the Lord.  We also have a new figure of the new born Infant that we will use from Christmas to the Epiphany. 

The new figures come from the Monasteres de Bethlehem shop in Lourdes.  Each time I go on the diocesan pilgrimage I will be able to obtain a few more figurres so that over the coming years we can build up the crib.  The names of all those who have generously donated towards this will be placed on a plaque near the Crib and remembered at Christmas in the years ahead.  

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