Tuesday 3 January 2017


Most people make New Year's Resolutions at this time of year.  This usually involves giving something up (like smoking) or taking something on (like learning a new language or skill).  I have never really been one for making New Year Resolutions as they usually get quickly forgotten.

However this year I am going to make a concerted effort to keep this blog more up to date,  We will see how we get on.

Before I can begin the task of blogging for 2017 there are just a few things to note from the year that has just gone by.

As part of their presentations of the Nativity of Our Lord the children from St Joseph's School produced a very thought provoking play entitled 'A Midwife Crisis.'  Through song and drama the children us led us in mind and heart to Bethlehem and the events that we celebrate at Christmas.

At the end of the play the Midwife said something along the lines of 'all along I was looking for the Baby Jesus and in the end it was the Baby Jesus that came and found me.'

Isn't that so true for all of us?  It is often the case that the Lord comes to find us.  May we have the grace to accept Him into our lives.

In the midst of our preparations for Advent and Christmas St Marie's School received the phone call that every school dreads - the notification that OFSTED will be arriving.  

We are confident that we have done well in the Inspection but at the time of writing this we have no received the official report from OFSTED so cannot say any more.  Watch this space!!!

On the 8th December - the Solemnity of Our Lady's Immaculate Conception I had the privilege of being in Lourdes to celebrate the feast.  The Mass for the Feast Day was presided over by His Eminence Cardinal Muller of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

In the afternoon we gathered for the Blessed Sacrament Procession and a time of Eucharistic Adoration in the underground basilica of St Pius X. I was asked to lead the prayers and devotions for the English speaking Pilgrims present for the feast.  You can catch a glimpse of me around 3 minutes 18 sec and then there are various other appearances as the procession and liturgy unfold.

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